Could You Have Done What Lewis and Clark Did? Probably Not and Here’s Why

Take a minute to explore these 12 riveting realities of the Lewis and Clark expedition that will leave you questioning your own survival skills.

Hiking the Uncharted: An 8,000-Mile Test of Endurance

From May 1804 to September 1806, the Corps of Discovery trekked a whopping 8,000 miles, from St. Louis to the Pacific Coast and back.

Braving the Elements: From Scorching Heat to Biting Cold

The brutal summer heat in the plains, frigid winters in the mountains, ceaseless torrential rain in the Pacific Northwest, and whipping winds across the plateaus were far from ideal for travel.

Surviving Food Scarcity: From Roots and Berries to Tallow Candles

Food scarcity was a daunting issue. The Corps, at times, had to resort to a diet of roots, berries, and even their tallow candles when they were unable to hunt or fish successfully.

Staring Down Threat: The Mighty Grizzly Bears

Grizzly bears were a prominent threat. Despite being skilled hunters, the Corps was not prepared for the grizzlies’ size, strength, and aggression.

Slithering Perils: Confronting the Menace of Snakes

Snakes were a menace throughout the journey. Encounters with venomous rattlesnakes were particularly common in the Great Plains region, posing a persistent risk to the Corps’ members.

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