10 Shocking Things People Have Found in Their Hotel Rooms

Sometimes clean sheets, thick towels, and conventional hotel room furniture aren’t the only things you’ll find when you check into your room. What unexpected item have you find in your hotel room that sticks in your mind?

1. Uninvited Company: Encountering Another Human in Your Hotel Room

One reader found a woman sitting in a chair reading a book. It was a scary moment for both of them because they clearly had not expected each other. It turns out the hotel room had booked them in an already occupied room.

2. Celebratory Surprises: The Tale of the Unexpected Birthday Treat

One user found a bottle of champagne on ice and chocolates in his hotel room. His wife had booked a staycation on his 50th birthday, and the hotel decided to surprise him with this gift.

3. Unbelievable Finds: The Case of the Abandoned $45,000

Another user found a bag with a total of $45,000 in it! He called the hotel management and the police, who tried to trace the owner of the money. He was told he could claim the money if nobody else did in 30 days, which he did.

4. Ghastly Discoveries: Finding a Body in a Hotel Room

Yes, unexpected items come in all shapes and sizes, but one user indeed had a horrible experience. She checked into a hotel room that had a foul smell. It ended up being the unimaginable after all. Pretty shocking, indeed!

5. Sting in the Tale: An Invasion of Scorpions

Another user found not one but several scorpions in his room. On his arrival, a staff warned him against putting his luggage on the floor because a previous guest had found two scorpions. He found that, plus several more!

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