26 Facts About Airplanes You Probably Didn’t Know

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Most of us have ridden on an airplane, and some of us might have a basic understanding of how they work, but there is always more to learn. Keep reading for facts about airplanes you probably didn’t know!

Airplanes are full of surprises, from the engineering feats that keep them flying to the little-known facts about their daily operations. If you’ve ever wondered about the secrets hidden within these metal giants soaring through the skies, stick around. Here are 26 airplane facts that’ll give you a new perspective next time you’re looking out the cabin window.

1. Their Tires Are Specially Designed

Tires on planes
Image Credit: frank_peters/Shutterstock

The tires on planes can handle 38 tons and hit the ground going over 100 mph over 500 times before needing to be replaced! 

2. No Seat Is “Safest”

Man sleeping in plane seat
Image Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

We’re not excited to share this fact, but unfortunately, the survivability between the front, middle, and back of the plane is only off by one percentage point. On the plus side, that percentage is still higher than zero.

3. There Is Specialty Tape to Fix the Plane

Tape fixing plan
Image Credit: Steven F Granville/Shutterstock

There have been plenty of viral pictures of tape seemingly holding aircraft together. That is called speed tape and comes in at $700 per roll.

4. Planes Can Still Fly After Losing an Engine

Planes Engine
Image Credit: Leonardo da/Shutterstock

This is a refreshing fact after the seat one we mentioned earlier. Planes are still good to fly, some for up to five hours, after losing the use of one engine. We will still freak out, but maybe a little less.

5. Planes Can Be Struck by Lightning

Lightning strike on a passenger plane
Image Credit: pinkfloyd yilmaz uslu/Shutterstock

Being giant metal objects in the sky, it’s no surprise that airplanes get hit by lightning. However, they are specially designed to channel that current through the fuselage and out through the tail.

6. The Tiny Hole in the Window

Airplane window over island
Image Credit: Jag_cz/Shutterstock

There are three panes of glass in airplane windows. The outside one keeps the outside out, the middle one is a failsafe if the outer one cracks, and the inner one has a hole to regulate pressure for the middle one.

7. The Infamous Black Box Is a Lie

Infamous Black Box
Image Credit: l i g h t p o e t/Shutterstock

Ok, we’re exaggerating a little bit here. The black box is genuine, but it is bright orange, which feels like a lie. This does make it easier to find after an accident, though.

8. Landing Is the Most Dangerous

Landing accident
Image Credit: stockphoto mania/Shutterstock

Many people don’t like the turbulence and have an image of the plane plummeting from the sky in their heads. The most dangerous moments are those final few as the plane descends and lands making up for 48% of accidents.

9. Bathrooms Don’t Really Lock

Bathrooms Don’t Really Lock
Image Credit: suriyachan/Shutterstock

This is a whole new fear for us now, but for obvious reasons, plane bathrooms can be accessed by staff at any time. Don’t worry, though. They will respect the “in use” sign unless you’re doing something dangerous.

10. What Are Contrails?

Image Credit: Ihor Tymoshchuk/Shutterstock

Contrails are condensation, hence the “con” at the beginning of their name. Hot water is pumped through and out of the exhaust of the plane, turning to visible white vapor when it hits the cool air.

11. Plane Doors Can’t Open Mid-Flight

Plane Doors Can’t Open Mid-Flight
Image Credit: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV/Shutterstock

Here’s a happier thought for you. All those shows you have seen where a plane door is opened mid-flight, causing instant chaos, are purely movie magic. There is simply too much of a pressure difference that only the Incredible Hulk would be able to manage.

12. Wings Don’t Make Planes Fly

airplane flying
Image Credit: Jag_cz/Shutterstock

Wings enable birds to fly, but it’s not the same for planes. The wings help pilots steer, and they reduce drag.

13. More Than Aluminum Makes Up a Plane

Passenger aircraft on maintenance of engine
Image Credit: aappp/Shutterstock

There was a time when planes were made from aluminum, which is strong but lightweight. Aluminum is still a component of most planes, but they’re also made from fiberglass, reinforced plastic, Kevlar, and titanium.

14. Planes Last a Long Time

Planes Last a Long Time
Image Credit: Parkdolly/Shutterstock

It might be surprising, but planes last way longer than most cars do. Depending on maintenance and wear and tear, they typically last 30-35 years before being retired.

15. Secret Bedrooms

Bedroom of private jet Airbus
Image Credit: Media_works/Shutterstock

For long-haul flights, some of the very biggest planes have rooms where crew members can get some rest. Usually, a hidden staircase provides access to them.

16. Why They Dim the Lights

plane interior lights off
Image Credit: Dani Jarana/Shutterstock

When a plane lands at night, the cabin crew dims the interior lights. This way, if something goes wrong and evacuation is needed, people’s eyes will already be adjusted to the darkness.

17. Ashtrays in Bathrooms

Ashtray in plane Bathrooms
Image Credit: SN Photograph/Shutterstock

Although it’s long been illegal to smoke on planes, the bathrooms still have ashtrays, and that’s not due to an oversight. The hope is that people who do break the law and smoke will do it there and dispose of the ashes properly instead of risking starting a fire.

18. Why the Food Tastes Bad

Passenger eating airline meal
Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala/Shutterstock

Assuming you can even get a hot meal on a flight these days, you might notice that the food tastes worse than it you expected. A 2015 study found that the environment inside a plane makes sweet things taste less so and salty foods taste saltier. It also dulls people’s senses of smell and taste.

19. Oxygen Masks Don’t Last for a Whole Flight

oxygen masks on planes
Image Credit: Svitlana Hulko/Shutterstock

When cabin pressure decreases on a plane, the pilots must descend to an altitude where normal amounts of oxygen are present. That takes under 15 minutes, so the masks are equipped with oxygen for that length of time.

20. Asleep on the Job?

pilot asleep
Image Credit: christinarosepix/Shutterstock

This one is a bit alarming. A 2017 research project found that 43% of pilots admitted to dozing off during a flight. Even more troubling is that 31% reported waking from a doze to find their co-pilot asleep as well!

21. Drier Air

Clear blue sky with fluffy
Image Credit: Aastels/Shutterstock

If humidity causes bad hair days for you, you might want to spend more time on planes. The humidity levels inside commercial airlines are below those in most deserts.

22. Large Planes Use Less Fuel Than Cars Do

Planes Use Fuel
Image Credit: joebarthez/Shutterstock

A Boeing 747 gets way worse gas mileage than the average car does. However, when you consider that it can hold 500 people, you’ll learn that overall, it uses less fuel than all those passengers would have if they had driven separately.

23. Remember the Sanitizing Wipes!

bathroom on plane
Image Credit: Saulich Elena/Shutterstock

You might think the bathroom is the dirtiest place on a plane, but that’s wrong. According to some studies (and daily observation by flight attendants), the dirtiest thing on a plane is the instruction card. While the bathroom is cleaned regularly, the instruction cards in the seat backs in front of you are rarely replaced and almost never cleaned. Be sure to use hand sanitizer the next time you handle one.

24. Dead Chickens

Passenger jet airliner with a flock of birds
Image Credit: Michael O’Keene/Shutterstock

During safety checks, inspectors shoot dead chickens at jets. Why? They have to make sure windshields can take the impact of a bird crashing into it, which happens a lot more than you’d think.

25. You’re Not As High As You Think

Airplane taking off from airport
Image Credit: muratart/Shutterstock

Passenger planes routinely hit cruising altitudes of well over 30,000’, which seems really high. While that is for us, it’s only about 7% of the way to outer space.

26. Keep the Laser Pointer Pointed Away

Interior of airplane with passengers
Image Credit: Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock

It’s against the law to aim a laser pointer at a plane or its flight path. If you do it and get caught, you can spend up to 5 years in prison.

10 Awesome Movies To Watch if You’re a ‘Top Gun’ Fan

Top Gun - Maverick
Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Redditor u/TooManyPxls asked for “Movies about piloting aircraft.” They continued, “So I bought Chorus on Steam and like to take related movie breaks between gaming sessions. Does anyone know any good piloting movies? It doesn’t necessarily need to be in space.” Reddit responded with these ten aviation gems in no particular order.

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smart woman thinking red background
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

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This article was produced by Our Woven Journey. Featured Image Credit: Lopolo/Shutterstock

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Robert Sihler is an educator, freelance writer, and rock climbing guide and instructor living with his family in Driftwood, Texas. In his spare time, he enjoys reading fiction, streaming films, completing crossword puzzles, and rock climbing. When he goes on vacation, he likes to visit the mountains of the West and climb remote, obscure peaks that have seen few or no prior ascents.